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Sponsorship opportunities available with the CMDRA:

  • Posters 

  • Trophies (event & year-end) 

  • Fast Track Announcer Spots  

  • Class & Shootout sponsorships 

  • Custom Packages Available 

By sponsoring the CMDRA, not only are you promoting your company to thousands of race and motorcycle enthusiasts, you are supporting the growing sport of motorcycle drag racing in Canada and ensuring a venue for riders to test their metal in a safe, controlled environment where they can "take it to the track" rather than the street.

Find out more about sponsorship opportunities: Email at

Canada is home to some of the best racers in all of North America and by supporting the Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association you will help promote safe racing and expose your company to thousands of potential clients.

Drag Racing

Drag racing is one of the original forms of motorsport competition and motorcycle enthusiasts have always appreciated pushing the limits of their machines.  A drag race is an acceleration contest from a standing start between two vehicles over a measured distance, either 1/8 or 1/4 mile.  It provides the spectator a unique perspective as the entire race is visible from start to finish with a winner determined in mere seconds.



Today’s sport bikes are capable of such tremendous speed; taking them to the racetrack is really the only place to ride wide open. It was just this sort of activity that took place back in the early 1990’s in which a group of west coast motorcycle drag racers and enthusiasts fell in love with, but they wanted more.  That group of dedicated enthusiasts created an organization in 1993 that would later be known as the Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association (C.M.D.R.A.).  Developed as a non-profit society it is operated by an elected board of directors and is unique in the fact that it promotes ALL BRAND motorcycle racing and is Canada’s only fully National Hot Rod Association (N.H.R.A.) sanctioned motorcycle drag racing association. Since its inception, membership has steadily grown to nearly 500 members including 125+ regular racers from across Canada and the Northwestern United States. The series is mainly focused in the Western provinces, but over the past few years the Association has rapidly expanded in the East. This six race series typically has its first event held in late spring and winds up with the season finale in mid September. 


CMDRA's Commitment to the Sport


The C.M.D.R.A. has always been committed to safety and rider accountability. Taking racing off the streets and putting it the track where it belongs has always been one of the organizations top priorities.  In 2004 the association took it one step further by partnering with the Trev Deeley Foundation and Deeley Harley-Davidson Canada to create a free race school at each of their events.  Saturday morning before the regular race program starts, ANYONE in attendance can come down to the starting line with their motorcycle. Some of the C.M.D.R.A.’s most experienced and decorated racers instruct the students in the fundamentals of drag racing including how to safely and effectively navigate their way down the drag strip. This tremendously successful program has resulted in many first timers coming back to race in the series regularly.  Attendance figures from the 2010 season exceeded 12,500 spectators.



Unfortunately riding a motorcycle on today’s busy streets is getting to be a dangerous place. With the number of speed related motorcycle deaths on the rise, organizations like the CMDRA are becoming increasingly important as a means to let motorcyclists test their machines in a fun, safe and controlled environment. Racers can learn what their bike is capable of without the inherent dangers of riding on the street.



Motorcycle drag racing is an important venue for the motorcycling industry as it’s an ideal place for the manufacturers to represent themselves in a competitive environment. What sets the CMDRA apart from many other forms of racing is that ALL brands are represented. This appeals to not only the fans but the racers too, since that bench racing finally has an outlet…the drag strip! CMDRA events also offer a unique opportunity where the spectators have total access to the pits at all times during an event.  Fans can come and see these motorcycles up close and talk to the builders, tuners and pilots who ride these bikes.

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